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Day-1 Blog Post Challenge: Current relationship status

Berbekalkan semangat untuk mengubah habit hidup diri ni, aku cuba buat satu challenge (random challenge dari pinterest) untuk aku kekal konsisten dalam mencipta habit baru. Semoga aku berjayalah sehingga 30 hari mendatang. Kalau korang rasa nak join sekali pun boleh, jangan lupa tag aku. Aku ni kadang suka baca blog orang. Personally, just about their life and how they overcome all the obstacle along with it in achieving their dream.

What is my current relationship status?

This question is very simple. I’m in love with building my legacy right now. Apart from having a scandal with the foods and Netflix, I also consistently building a healthy relationship with my future. Within 82 days, I’m going to marry my dream and taking the gigantic biggest leap in my entire life.

For real? What is your relationship status?

Well, if you insist to know, I’m happily living my single life. Surround with positive friends, supportive community, working smart on my dream and what else I should ask more? I already have everything I need.

Rilek la. Dalam geng arau-ian ada tiga lagi yang lain masih single mingle an. So rilek lah. Kalau 5/6 yang dah move on to another level in their relationship pun belum tentu aku akan naik level sama macam diorang. Benda ni orang kata, just focus on working on yourself. Usaha dah buat. Tapi, bayang belum ada.

Mungkin belum masanya lagi. Mungkin selepas berjaya hidup dalam dunia impian yang kita usaha ni, baru akan naik ke level tu. Mungkin.

Bagi tahun 2021 ni, fokus untuk mencari pasangan tu, dah tertutup. Sebab dah bagi peluang pada quarter lalu tapi tak berjaya. So, kita tunggu pulak bila misi tu masuk queue balik. Hahahahah

Apa pulak blog post challenge ni soalan pertama dah kasi soalan gini. Aigooo…..

Takat tu jelah kot update hari ni. Semoga seorang sofie kekal konsisten untuk show up every day in her life.

Nak tahu hidup aku as Alien Oren, jangan lupa shout out dekat blog sebelah alienoren.com yo!

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September 8, 2021 11:17


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